Wednesday, October 10, 2007


こんばんあたらしいブリーチのepisodeです! みてください!
Part 1-

Part 2-

Part 3-



yukki said...

I can't watch! (T_T) Doesn't it run on Mac?

JT said...

Quick Question:

What exactly is Bleach about?

I mean, I could just go Wikipedia it, but I personally feel the human touch works best with explanations.


jkflow said...

oh, I've never watched it before, but my friends say that it's really fun to watch-!
I gotta try this lol

nice blog=)

Daven said...

すみませんせんせいわからない =(。I've only ever tried to watch it on a pc, I hope it works on macs as well >_<. jplatinum and jkflow you really do need to watch it! It has alot of action in it and it flows really nicely. It's about a student name いちごくらさき and how he gets powerful as he fights hollows O_O probably not the best description but oh well. Plus, I'm not sure if it will work on macs, but if you have a pc the website I put up as all the episodes for free =)!